05/13/23: The “Take Root” students were joined with other volunteers in loading soil in a new in-ground raised bed, distributing a partial new layer of wood chips in the orchard area, and in listening to Amazetta’s tales of gardening and its importance in years gone by. The students then harvested some bush cherries, and each student took home a boxful along with some left-over produce from Lick Run Farm’s market day.
05/11/23: Katie and the “Take Root” students started their session at the garden with a fresh napa cabbage salad snack. The students then were shown how to make connections between the main irrigation lines and drip tape with on/off valves and how to close the ends of the drip tape. They then assisted with installing four drip tape lines. Next the students were involved with weeding the previously wood-chipped pathways in the orchard area, in preparation for the next layer of wood chips.